Anyone win anything yet? Don't worry if you haven't, it can take a while for you to hear back!
Trip to Costa Rica Ends 2/3/12. They are giving away 80 vacations! Yes, that's not a typo!
Walk on role on The Walking Dead Ends 11/27
I wasn't going to tell anyone about this one because it's mildly embarassing, but then I won. Maybe you want to win a crockpot, too. Ends 10/31
Trip to Paris Chances are probably slim, but it's fun to dream! Ends 10/21
Big Bang Theory Ends 10/24, 31 winners.
Lots of fun garden stuffs Ends 11/14
Urban Decay Eyeliner 556 winners, ends 11/28
Crest White Strip gift basket Ends 11/7, 50 winners
Philosophy skin care set Ends 11/1, 50 winners
how dare you?! okay, fine, I entered! shut up!