Read Charlotte's posts here.
My name is Heather and I'm the sweeper in the gang. No, I will not come clean your house, you dirty hobos. I like sweepstakes. And lots of them. You see... I'm cheap. Money is amazing and evil at the same time and I like to whored as much of it as I can since I never have enough. I rarely treat myself to fun, exciting, and girly things unless I sell something first. Until I met charming and attractive Sweepstakes, that is. Now I enter to win all the things I hunger for that my dirty thrift-store personality says no to. Hooray for free!
Read Heather's post here.
Read Heather's post here.

My name is Vanessa, and I am a Whoreder. As a lady of a certain age with no human children (I prefer the four legged kind), I find myself free to roam my favorite health & beauty aisles searching for bargains. When not out shopping for potions and the perfect black eyeliner, I write a blog called Verbal Switchblade. I live for high-end brands, but I will never give up hunting for those drugstore deals. Retail therapy is my superpower, I am forever on the prowl for that perfect something to add to my ever-growing collections of shoes, purses and black cardigans. There is no problem in life so huge, a new pair of leather ballet flats can't fix. The deals I covet keep me and my faithful companion, Oliver, in the lap of luxury and on the cutting edge. My bag of tricks is open, wanna take a peek inside... Have any questions for me? email me at vanessa [at]
Read Vanessa's posts here.

Read Rita's posts here.