Yes, that is a bird wearing a wig while sweeping.
I come to you today with a challenge. I want you to win a twitter sweepstake.
Twitter confuses me. I'm not a big fan, but I see potential. Not only can it be used for stalking people and being witty with friends, but it is a great social connection and yet another place giveaways can be found.
Twitter sweeps can be found on a few of the sweepstake sites, but I found my own way of searching for them: hashtags.
I'm sure some will slip through your freebie radar as not all are announced with a hashtag (although they should), but it is simple and doesn't take much time. Just try some of the examples:
#contest, #sweepstakes, #freebie, #free, #win, etc.
#contest, #sweepstakes, #freebie, #free, #win, etc.
Some of the results will be for sweepstakes outside of twitter, but I bet you can find a few that are specifically twitter-only. They may involve retweeting or following someone, but I'm sure the odds are a little better than a traditional sweep.
If you don't want to follow random people, just open a separate twitter account.
Go get 'em twatters!
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