Hey y'all, it's that time of year again, time to send your little boogers back to school. This stuff can get expensive, but there are always sales from August-September everywhere you look.
If you're on the late train to stocking up for school supplies, here are just a few good deals on the basics to lead you in the right direction.
* Crayola Classic 24 pk of Crayons only $1.29 or even better, Crayola 64 pk for $2.97
* Elmer's 6 pk of Glue Sticks only $1.99
* Crayola Marker Pad only $1.73
* Expo Dry Erase Kit only $10.99
* Westcott Scissors as low as $3.49
* Staples One-Touch stapler only $4.90
* 130 Sheet College Rule paper & wide rule paper for $0.79 each
* Fun, cute Backpacks at Hot Topic! Also, if you check out your local Target, they also have name brand backpacks up to 75% off!
For those of you who have extra supplies, you can always donate them to your local schools, your child's classroom, or even better, donate them to kids in need at non-profit programs such as the Alayah Foundation, and KINF. It will be your good (tax deductible of course) deed for the year.
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