Yesterday was "National Peanut Butter Day", so in light of this I made delicious "Peanut Butter Blossoms" for my co-workers with a Valentine theme. I referred to them as thumbprint cookies all day long because Heather has ruined the word blossom for me forever.
Anyhow, these cookies are super easy to make. You will need peanut butter cookie dough, granulated cane sugar, an un-greased non-stick cookie sheet, and heart shaped milk chocolates .

First you roll spoonfuls of dough into balls. Next you roll the balls in sugar and place them on the cookie sheet.
Bake for 10-12 minutes at 375. Take the cookies out and press your chocolates into the middle of the cookie while still hot.
I obviously made them a little large so they stuck together but they were so yummy so who cares ? And you gotta figure if two stick together then it only counts as one cookie... NOM NOM NOM. Now don't be a fatty and eat them right away, you will burn yourself and/or get hot melty chocolate all over the place and look like you have poop face. Your welcome.
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